Keeping Balls in the Air

by - May 09, 2019

Today seemed to be all about keeping multiple balls in the air.  We started the day with an introduction to our program coordinators and then launched into a ball challenge that involved passing a soccer ball between every member of Fusion in under 10 seconds.  But, of course, there are rules around how the ball may get passed that make this a much more complicated problem than it might seem!

The day was very much hands and brains on following this initial challenge and asked the boys to solve problems from stopping the spread of major diseases to finally achieving perfect customer satisfaction at Starbucks.  They were introduced to two different longer term projects, one involving virtual worlds that they will be able to actually move around in when uploaded to computers at a virtual reality arcade in a few days and the other involving defining and creating value in a project that will unfurl through our entire visit to the University.

They also were challenged to build some sort of contraption (with limited supplies) that would guide a table tennis ball through a "simple" maze.

And in the spirit of keeping those balls in the air, they ended the day learning to juggle with varying degrees of success and hilarity.  Start looking toward the boys' blogs Thursday night when their first required blog post is due.  Hopefully you'll get much more detail and perspective surrounding their experience!

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